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Threads of Heritage

Threads of Heritage

The idea for this project has been with me for about five years, probably because my drawing style harmonizes so well with the geometric patterns of Romanian folk costumes. After moving to Germany and facing the associated challenges of settling in and establishing my career, I sought something familiar that offered me stability. Reflecting on my roots helped me navigate this new environment better.

The need to learn more about my origins only became clear once I had truly arrived in Germany. This realization came over time, as the new became routine. With new friendships and additional family around and the emotional freedom to tackle the "nuances" of my life, I realized I needed to learn more about my roots, in order to better understand my future path. Perhaps that's why it took about six years for the idea for this project to mature and eventually result in this collection. I wanted to explore the geometric patterns of the folk costumes from my birthplace in Romania and incorporate them into illustrations reflecting my personal perspective on these beautiful costumes.

Without expert support and research, it would have been much more difficult and time-consuming to identify the typical patterns and motifs of the Banat mountain region I was born in. I was all the more delighted that the staff of the County Museum of Ethnography and the Border Regiment of Caransebeș received my proposal to create a collection of art prints based on their collection openly and supportively. I was allowed to use garments and decorative elements from the museum's collection as inspiration for my artwork.

It fills me with great joy and pride to present the result of this collaboration with the museum through this collection.

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